
Browse templates by tag.

Community Gaming Roleplay Friends Art Music Meme Economy Coding Learning Support


You can chat with people :)

9692 Uses
Coding Friends

A great Support Server for your bot!

This server, which contains many channels and categories, is for you! Have Fun.. #support , #faq and more..

7159 Uses
Coding Learning

Developer's Community

If you want to create a Developer community, the Template that will take you forward is the "Developer Community". Nice!

4470 Uses
Coding Learning

Developer Server

Just a developer server.

2918 Uses
Gaming Coding

Template Cove

This is a copy of the Template Cove server! You like the design? You can use it!

2276 Uses
Support Coding


Greek shop Server

2276 Uses
Coding Community

Blank Template

Completely Fresh • Blank Server Template

2222 Uses
Support Coding

Tech server

A community oriented server for people in the world of technology!

1927 Uses
Community Coding

Türkçe Discord Şablonu

No description available.

1895 Uses
Support Coding

Development server

This is a template for servers dedicated to coding and software development.

1667 Uses
Community Coding

Coding Template

This template is for coders and much more, and it's a community too!

1187 Uses

Simple Support Server

Best Bots for this server is: * Nyx (nyxbot.xyz) * Carl-Bot (carl.gg) * Ticket Tool (tickettool.xyz)

942 Uses
Support Coding