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Police Department
This is the official area for the police department command to work with there officers and lower ranking members.
Roleplaying server
This server pertains to roleplaying and half community chats. Create a new roleplaying universe using this template now!
FiveM server
No description available.
Server Gta V Roleplay
Una plantilla para empezar tu comunidad de roleplay gta v.
(LSPD) Los Santos Police Department
[ENG] Looking for a LSPD Discord template? Welp, i made one for you.
Gta V Roleplay Banda
Plantilla gta v roleplay para banda en español.
нуρнєя's Template: Fantasy Animal Rolepl...
This roleplay server is based on animals, But in fantasy form, All aspects are customizable,
(BCSO) Blaine County Sheriffs Office
[ENG] Looking for a BCSO Discord template? Well, here you go. Enjoy it.
(FBI) Federal Bureau Of Investigation
(ENG) So, i was bored and decided to why not make a FBI Discord template for your RP servers - Enjoy.
Military group
Military groups/big community for roleplaying mafias etc
FiveM Server Vorlage von Npx.Org#4826
Dies ist eine eine von mir Angefertigte FiveM Server Vorlage es hat sehr lange gedauert circa 3 Stunden. Es wahr viel AR