User Profile



9 templates listed
Templates used 62 times

Joined 2 years ago


Small Chilling Server

This is it!!

11 Uses
Community Friends

YouTuber's Server!!

For YouTubers!

11 Uses
Community Gaming

Giveaway or Shop Server

This is for Shop Servers!!!!

10 Uses
Economy Support

Shop & Giveaways Server

Server for Shop & Giveaways

9 Uses
Community Economy

For YouTubers!!

This template is for YouTubers!!

8 Uses
Community Gaming

Chilling Server

This server template is for chilling and chatting update it according to you!!

5 Uses
Community Friends

Pokemon Unite Community Server

This server is for pokemon unite community customize roles according to you

4 Uses
Community Gaming


Community server for chilling and chatting

3 Uses
Community Friends

Small Gaming Community Server

This is a small community server template

1 Uses
Community Gaming